75 Blog Posts

Four months into this blog it really seems to be gaining traction.  Thank you for making #ISOT a part of your day, every day.

I Saw One Too is Trending

I have written 75 stories since September when the blog first went up.  In that time the stories have been read over 2700 times.  On an average day dozens of people read the blog.  That is not viral status but it is great for a site which has no organic traffic other than word of mouth.  In other words, the site is not coming up in Google searches yet.  Everyone who reads the blog arrives here via my Twitter or Facebook pages.  So please keep sharing these posts.

I Saw One Too is Trending

On those social media sites, Likes on the Facebook page have risen considerably and I have been adding three net new followers on Twitter every week.  Again, not much to crow about when you consider that I have over 500 friends on my personal FB page and thousands of LinkedIn contacts.  But I have not advertised this site to everyone I know.  Rather I have shared it with a select group of people whom I thought would be interested.  Please do the same and share the Twitter and Facebook pages with people you know.

Readers come from over a dozen distinct countries plus a couple hundred hits from an "Unknown Region."  Maybe it is aliens, ha ha.  No really!  Probably not, though.  Wishful thinking.

Over the past four months the blog has evolved a bit.  If you were with me when it started you will remember that initially it was all about a certain TV network's interest in my UFO sighting and my own efforts on rebranding my internet presence to go along with that.  I had plans to do a podcast, YouTube channel, and maybe a radio show.  I still plan to do the podcast, it is just a matter of finding the time to get the ball rolling amidst running the best staffing company in America, teaching five classes, writing this UFO blog, taking care of my family, the gym, snowboarding, oh and sometimes I sleep.

share this blog with your friends

Once the blog got going and I revealed some details of my sighting I began writing about my thoughts on why we are being visited and why the visitors are not making contact with us which I call The Marceau Paradox.  Catchy, isn't it?  I have tried to keep each post based in reality, using Scientific Method, as much as is possible when speculating on things that no one could really know.

From time to time a friend will text me a news story about aliens or UFOs.  Most of the time I will write about it the next day.  Please continue sending these.

Now, as we head towards my 100th blog post (which should be by the end of February) I would like some feedback.  What would you, my readers, like to hear about?  More about why aliens have not made contact, more about space and space travel, more about current events, more about the government's knowledge and their role?  Something else?

Write something in the comments below, on my Facebook page, or in a private message.

Share This Blog with your Friends

Thanks again for reading.  Please continue to share this blog with your friends.

Enjoying this blog?

If you have seen an alien spaceship or any type of unidentified flying object (UFO) contact me using the Contact form on this page.  You may remain anonymous if you want.  I will not ridicule you or try to tell you why you are wrong.  I get it, I saw one too.

Thank you for reading and keep an eye on the sky.
