I spent fifteen minutes scrolling through an article about glowing orbs following fighter planes in World War II. It was a guilty pleasure. I do not like getting lured in to ad-saturated articles with zero substance. But this one was actually good.
What are Foo Fighters?
Funny term, Foo Fighters. I always wondered why Dave Grohl chose that name for what would become one of the most influential bands after The Beatles. Yes, I said that and I am sticking by my statement. But why that stupid name? What are Foo Fighters?
Foo Fighters were some of the first UFOs reported by US Servicemen. During World War II pilots in the 415th Night Fighter Squadron reported numerous encounters with glowing orbs. These large balls of light could appear in multiple colors. Sometimes the balls would hover in the sky, far away. Sometimes the balls would chase the pilots.
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The Foo Fighters, the orbs, not the band |
Pilots often mistook the glowing orbs for the enemy. They thought the Germans had developed some new secret weapon. They wondered why the balls did not fire on them. They wondered why the Allied ground forces did not fire on the balls. Whether the balls were enemy aircraft or something else entirely, they scared the bejeezus out of these pilots. I know how they felt - remember, I Saw One Too!
Now, nearly 80 years in the future, it is clear what the Foo Fighters were. Need I say the word? I am not saying it was aliens, but you know, it was aliens. Obviously. But back then, the thought of visitors from other planets was inconceivable to most people. Their minds were constricted like the snare of a click-bait article, either by religious views or the lack of a foundation in Science. From my research it also sounds like for many whose minds could go there, they did not want to go there. It was too scary of a proposition and also a little too far-fetched for anyone else to believe. Sound ridiculous? I have a ghost in my house but I do not believe in ghosts. Figure that one out.
Now, nearly 80 years in the future, it is clear what the Foo Fighters were. Need I say the word? I am not saying it was aliens, but you know, it was aliens. Obviously. But back then, the thought of visitors from other planets was inconceivable to most people. Their minds were constricted like the snare of a click-bait article, either by religious views or the lack of a foundation in Science. From my research it also sounds like for many whose minds could go there, they did not want to go there. It was too scary of a proposition and also a little too far-fetched for anyone else to believe. Sound ridiculous? I have a ghost in my house but I do not believe in ghosts. Figure that one out.
The term Foo Fighters, by the way, comes from a comic strip. One of the radar operators in the 415th Squadron, Donald J. Meiers, was a fan of the popular comic series Smokey Stover. Smokey's catch-phrase was, "Where there's foo, there's fire." Foo was just a nonsense word. None of the witnesses could make sense of these flying, glowing orbs, so they adopted the term Meiers first applied to them which was really F'n Foo Fighters. For a while, they kept the F-word. I guess they thought it was funny. Makes sense. Pilots tend to be young guys. Young guys like using the F-word. I know my friends and I did, back in the frat house. Eventually the F-word was dropped after the broader public caught wind of the phenomenon - the one about the Foo Fighters, not the frat house. The F-word is still alive and well in frat houses across America.
Why did Foo Fighters Appear?
Fans of the Zoo Hypothesis will appreciate this. We are being visited. We know that. My own self-coined term, The Marceau Paradox (word), asks not Where is everybody but rather, Why are they hiding from us? One possibility is that aliens like us just the way we are, like Billy Joel to Elizabeth Weber. They like to watch us, like we are in a zoo, but they are afraid to jump in the cage with us. Or they do not want to bother us and disrupt our happy little civilization. It is sort of like Star Trek's Prime Directive, which states that space-faring people should not interfere with the natural development of us lowly, primitive peoples.
In a recent SETI Institute article, astronomer Seth Shostak explains the idea of the Zoo Hypothesis was first popularized by an astronomer at MIT name John Ball back in 1973. I was a newborn, at the time. I like to think that I come up with this stuff on my own, and I do, but then I realize other people were thinking about these things while I was having my diapers changed. The only difference is Ball was writing papers about astronomy at MIT and I am writing a blog about space aliens and the people who follow them. Also, I carry a computer in my pocket which is more powerful than a warehouse full of 1973 MIT computers. They used theirs to discover new galaxies. I use mine to watch Fail videos with my kids.
The Zoo concept reminds me of a classic Twilight Zone episode from over a decade earlier (maybe that is where Ball got the idea) called People are Alike All Over. This astronaut, Sam, finds himself on another planet in what appears to be the future set of Married With Children and gets freaked out because there are no windows. He then discovers he is an exhibit on a planet where people dress up like ancient Greeks. Or maybe they were all on their way to a toga party. Now I am back at the frat house again. Then the guy starts yelling at the sky like Charlton Heston at the end of Planet of the Apes.
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Charlton Heston in his greatest performance |
Here is a short clip of that Twilight Zone episode:
The truth is, I would have also clicked on that Facebook link about the Foo Fighters even if it was about the band. Those guys are awesome! But, click-bait notwithstanding, I am glad I read the article. It helped to tie together a couple concepts, those being that our military is being engaged by alien entities in some perverse cat-and-mouse-games (and it has been for quite some time) and yet there have been no battles. Zero point zero. Perhaps this is because we are not viewed as worthy adversaries. We are simply creatures in a zoo, something for aliens to look at and have fun with. Once in a while they will poke us with a stick. But for the most part, aliens just like to look.
If you have seen an alien spaceship or any type of unidentified flying object (UFO) contact me using the Contact form on this page. You may remain anonymous if you want. I will not ridicule you or try to tell you why you are wrong. I get it, I saw one too.
Thank you for reading and keep an eye on the sky.
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