Imminent Conclusions

It has been some time since I last wrote an I Saw One Too blog article.  The reason is primarily because I said what I needed to say.  Then the urge to write lessened greatly.  What I mean is, I had a sighting and needed to report it to someone who could do something with that information.  I reported it to Luis Elizondo, former head of The Pentagon’s UFO investigation team – end of story.  Once my mission to report my experience had been completed, I no longer felt compelled to study the subject.

Four years have gone by since that report aired as Unidentified Season 2 Episode 3.  This morning, I was spurred to action because I purchased a copy of Imminent by Luis Elizondo, or Lue as I now know him.  I just got to Chapter 16, “The ‘Aha’ Moment,” which describes how UAP may be able to achieve some of the amazing feats they display by creating a bubble around them, similar to a diving bell, which is able to manipulate space-time.  This may have a way of disrupting light waves and gravity waves giving them their apparent maneuverability which seems to defy our current understanding of physics.

Imminent Conclusions
Imminent Conclusions

That got me to think through my sighting back in the summer of 1992.  There were several elements of my experience which I have had difficulty reconciling.  I am not a believer in the Supernatural, so I have always tried to explain the events of that night in conventional terms.  Why did all the nighttime critters stop making noise?  Why did Mike, the other witness, see something different from what I saw?  Why did the hair on my arm stand up?  Why did the bright lights at the nose of the vehicle not light up area in front of it?  And how was it that Mike was able to continue watching the ship long after it should have drifted from his field of vision?

The Gagetown Incident

Those who have followed my blog or seen any of the numerous interviews* I have done know the story and can skip this section. 

For those who have not or would just like a refresher, the synopsis is as follows:

On Tuesday or Wednesday of the second week of August 1992 my United States Army Reserve unit was on a joint-forces Field Training Exercise in Gagetown, New Brunswick, Canada.  Reserve and National Guard units from all over the northeastern US and eastern Canada had converged on this massive Canadian Army base to play war games.  My unit was responsible for ammunition supply to the other units.

I had little to do with the ammo supply since I was in the Motorpool.  The "ammo humpers" had little to do with us except when they wanted some decent coffee.  The cooks made something that looked and tasted like dishwater, whereas the Motorpool made something we called "Number 12 Diesel Fuel".  But everyone had to pull guard duty both on our camp and on our ammo caches.  My turn came on that Tuesday or Wednesday night from 11:00pm to 1:00am.  There were three locations or “pads” to guard.  I was on the last one, Number 3.  I do not remember who was on Pad 2, but Pad 1 would be guarded by a soldier I had recently made friends with named Mike.  When I decided to go Public with the story Mike granted me permission to share his recollections and to associate them with his first name but not his surname.  Since our sighting, Mike has become very religious, and he was concerned about how people in his church community would view him afterwards.

We were driving way out into the deep dark woods to areas that were not lit by artificial lighting.  We carried weapons without ammunition (ironically).  We had only crude field phones by which to communicate.  Ergo, Mike and I decided to synch up and check in on each other at 11:30 and 12:30 – there was a scheduled call with the entire crew at midnight.  Cell phones were not in wide use in 1992 so we would communicate by picking up the field phones which were always “hot” and then simply speaking.

I sat in the corner of a one-acre clearing on what I call a Contractor’s Bench.  It is a seat made by cutting up a few pieces of scrap lumber and nailing them together in the fastest, easiest way.  In the center of the clearing sat a huge stack of all sorts of ammunition.  

The sky was cloudless.  The moon was diagonally to my right at around the 2:00 position.  It was full or nearly full and lit up the area almost as if it were daytime.  

I tried to look through the trees all around me to spot any civilians who may have snuck onto the base to steal ammo.  That had occurred the previous time my unit was there several years earlier, an incident my dad was involved in.  He was driving a Warrant Officer, Mr. Atkinson, around the ammo pads when they spotted a couple thieves.  This Warrant Officer opened fire on these civilians.  Luckily no one was harmed but that was the reason we were not allowed to load our weapons with live ammo on this visit in 1992.

Periodically I would lock my gaze onto a shadow in the woods and squint my ears towards the area to see if I could hear movement.  Vice versa, I was continually listening for twigs to snap and if I heard any rustling from chipmunks or other varmints, I would train my eyes on the area to see if there was a person there.  But all I saw were shadows and all I heard were crickets, tree frogs, and the occasional forest rodent scurrying about.

I checked my watch at 11:20pm to see how much longer it would be before I needed to pick up my field phone and check in with Mike.  At some point within the following two minutes, I got the sense that I should look diagonally to my right at the 1:00 position.  

Some people have asked me if this was a “premonition.”  I do not like to use that word due to its association with some kind of psychic abilities.  I always prefer to explain things in the most mundane, conventional way, whenever possible.  So, I call it a sense which I liken to the feeling you get when you are sleeping and you wake up because you can feel someone staring at you from your doorway, or maybe from one of your children standing face to face with you waiting for you to open your eyes.  

I also noticed that the cacophony of sounds had stopped.  Maybe the crickets knew something I did not, just like how when you walk around outside, the crickets will stop when you approach them because they perceive you as a predator.  Something had caused all the crickets in the forest to stop chirping, along with the peepers, and everything else. 

Somehow, I knew that once I looked up I could be looking towards that 1:00 position for some time.  So, since I was on guard duty I first checked over my left shoulder to make sure it was not a diversion and someone was not sneaking up on me.  At some point during this time, I felt the hair on the back of my neck stand up.  I scanned the woods carefully to make sure none of the shadows were human shaped and nothing was moving.  As I turned my head back towards the direction that I was compelled to observe, I could see and feel the hair on my right arm stand up.  This was significant because it was a chilly night (not unusual for a place north of Maine in August) and I had previously noted to myself that all the hair on my arms was lying flat which is the body’s natural way of pulling up a blanket to keep warm.  Now, the hairs were standing nearly on end, drawn towards the direction I was about to look.

I slowly cocked my head towards the 1:00 position.  There I saw an enormous spaceship.  I had no doubt about what it was.  Without even going through all the reasons I am about to enumerate, it was clear upon initial sight that it was an alien spaceship.  But again, for those who have not read or heard my account before, I will illustrate why I immediately concluded this.

For starters, I was what Lue would later refer to me as a “Trained Observer.”  In our downtime, my platoon members and I would play with flashcards that were the same size and shape as a deck of playing cards.  The cards were stored in a box that looked just like a deck of cards.  One side of each card had the silhouette of an aircraft.  It could be US Allied aircraft, Soviet Block aircraft, or civilian aircraft.  The other side of the card had the name of that type of aircraft, the designation of which of the above three categories it belonged to, and other stats on the aircraft.  This was all so that in a wartime situation, we would know when to open fire on an aircraft and when not to regardless of whether it was night or day and how far away it was; we could identify the airship merely by its shape without looking at markings or other characteristics.  Each object had a certain shaped tail fin, nose, engine/propellers or rotor, etc.

The spaceship I saw hovering over the treeline less than one hundred yards/meters away had no tailfin, no wings, no engines or propellers or rotor, nothing that matched the shape of any of the silhouettes I had studied.  It was enormous, larger than any craft in the US, Soviet, or civilian fleets.  It had three extremely bright horizontally rectangular lights across the nose of the ship which spread in about a 120 degree arc.  Despite the intense brightness they did not light up the area.  The light seemed to be contained within the ship and did not diffuse in any direction.  The ship was shaped somewhat like an egg which had been elongated, flattened on the bottom, and also had its nose and tail pressed in to create surfaces that were more vertical than rounded.  It hovered right over the trees but did not create a downwash of wind that would cause the trees to sway.  It was silent.  It was dark grey and had no seams or rivets.  There was no writing or other markings anywhere on the ship and no lights other than the three at the front.

Gagetown Incident

I sat nearly motionless, eyes trained on this aircraft as it glided by just outside the clearing, for several intensely terrifying minutes.  I looked only with my eyes until I had to begin turning my head and then only turning it less than a degree at a time so as not to create the appearance of movement.  I was concerned that if anyone in the ship saw me watching them, holding a weapon, they might zap me with a death ray or “beam me up” or whatever else my mind could conjure from every science fiction movie I had seen.  In hindsight, with what I now know about the drones we have today, it could have been unmanned, possibly even AI driven.  But none of that technology existed thirty years ago and even today we do not have anything that even closely resembles the size, shape, or capabilities of this aircraft.  Also in hindsight, manned or unmanned, “they” had to know I was there.  But I was not thinking about x-rays, night vision, or anything else other than eyeballs looking at me, at the time.

The ship traveled slowly by me over the course of several minutes before it began to become hidden by the trees at my 5:00 position.  I was concerned it could circle back around, sneak up behind me, and appear right above me, so I slowly got up and crept out towards the right side of the clearing to the dirt road I had come in on.  I stood and watched the ship for several minutes longer.  At some point I could detect a faint static noise like when a TV station goes off the air and the volume is barely on.  Then I could hear the nighttime critters again.  I continued to watch as the ship blended more and more with the night sky until it was nearly invisible. 

At that point I looked at my watch and it was 11:27.  I had three more minutes to connect with Mike and I did not want to miss this call.  I also began to feel exposed out there in the open and yearned for the security of my little bench with my back against the wall of trees and the entire clearing in front of me.

The three minutes which followed were nearly as excruciating as the previous seven, waiting for that call to take place.  I stared at my boots.  I looked at my watch.  I looked through the trees for bad guys.  I looked back at my watch, back at my boots.  Finally, 11:30 arrived.  I picked up the phone and said, “Mike, you there?”  He acknowledged.  I asked, “Did you see that?”  He replied, “Thank God you said that.  I thought I was going crazy.”

Naturally, I thought at the time that Mike had seen the exact same thing I had seen.  I would find out later that this was not the case.  But for the time being we both agreed that we had seen a UFO.  We also agreed that we should not mention it on the check-in that was planned with the rest of the guard crew at midnight.  The remainder of the duty shift was unremarkable.

By the time I got picked up around 1:00am Mike had already begun talking about the incident with the other guards and the driver in our transport vehicle, despite our agreement to keep it to ourselves.  Guard 2 was the first to tell us that we were full of it and to suggest that we had conspired to make up the story as a prank.  This accusation was even wilder than the event itself because we could have been court-martialed for making up and officially reporting such a “prank”.

The driver, Sargent Ouimette, believed every word and encouraged Mike to report it to the Sargent (or Non-Commissioned Officer) In Charge, the “NCOIC”.  When we arrived back at the guard shack, Mike went in to try to file a report with the NCOIC.  I stayed and chatted with Ouimette who revealed that he was a frequent reader of the National Enquirer and Weekly World News, two “Supermarket Tabloids” which were the primary sources of conspiracy theories and “fake news” prior to the advent of the web browser and partisan cable news.  I did not feel I was in good company, despite Ouimette’s assurance in my account of the event.

The NCOIC angrily threw Mike out of the guard shack and thus began a couple days of hazing by the rest of our 80+ person camp.  I quickly stopped talking about it.  Mike went as far as to disavow the entire incident leaving me to fend for myself, answering snarky questions about an incident I no longer wanted to discuss but yet refused to recant.

I did not speak about this experience again to anyone for at least five years.  When I finally did, tears welled up in my eyes, though they did not break the plane of my eyelids.  One of the two people I told the story to said she could see that I was having an emotional reaction.  This would happen again on future tellings of the event, for years to come.  It was because whenever I would open up about it, I would feel as if I were transported back into the woods that night in August 1992 and I was sitting on that little bench, terrified out of my mind about what I was going through.  I would later come to terms with the realization that the sighting had caused PTSD.  It did not cause me constant pain because I had chosen to move on with my life and avoid discussing that segment of it.  But it reared its head on each rare occasion that I recited details like those above.  This was finally cured by a combination of two things.  The first was, I started this blog and wrote about all aspects of my sighting.  The second was when I had the opportunity to deliver the narrative to Lue and the producers of Unidentified and then to finally see the interview in July of 2020, nearly three decades after it happened.  I then exhaled and finally put it all to rest.

Now, when I think of the incident I am no longer transported back to that little bench.  For better or worse I also no longer see the ship that was so deeply etched into my mind.  Instead, I see the illustration of the ship above which I had commissioned so that I could get others to appreciate it and also to get it down on paper before I forgot the details – good thing I did, although I wonder if having this uncanny physical replacement for the memory subsequently and unintentionally helped to replace the memory.  Maybe I would have been better off still seeing the ship in my mind’s eye.  It is nearly gone now.

The other benefit of having told my tale is I am no longer plagued by the question, why does no one care about this?  For decades I felt like our planet was in danger and I needed to warn someone.  I had reported the sighting on and, certain that an investigator would contact me eager to hear my story.  No one ever did.  It took reaching out to Luis Elizondo to get my story out.  He and I have since become friendly, although we do not socialize beyond the occasional text message exchange.


Is the book Imminent, Science?

Lue’s new book Imminent will appeal to anyone who has seen something they just cannot explain.  It provides science-based reasons for otherwise inexplicable events pertaining to UFO/UAP activity.  Lue stirs in some of what may be considered The Supernatural but which may actually have a reasonable explanation.  I pre-ordered the book and received it on the day it was released.  It has been a quick read and despite a heavy work schedule and parental obligations, along with a slow and savory reading style, I was able to plow through the majority of the book within a few days.  This morning, I stopped on Chapter 16, “The ‘Aha’ Moment,” because I began to have some A-Ha moments of my own.

The book delves into the concept of the Doppler Effect applying it to observations of an object which taunted the flight crew of the USS Roosevelt, sprinkled with a dash of Relativity.  The result is a possible explanation of how UAP are able to get to our planet and also travel within our atmosphere, seeming to defy the known laws of physics.  The details are beyond the scope of this article but are clearly laid out in plain terms in Imminent.  The gist of it is, these spaceships envelope themselves in a bubble, similar to a diving bell, which enables them to distort light and gravitational waves and manipulate space-time.  This is not pure science fiction, rather it is a serious subject of scientific inquiry.

Reading through the chapter I began rethinking the story above.  There have always been certain elements of what I witnessed which have remained confusing to me, despite repeatedly rolling these details around in my mind attempting to make sense of them in conventional terms with only an elementary, primarily Newtonian, foundation in physics.  Suddenly, things began to click.

Why does it get quiet near a UFO?

The spaceship may have some noise cancellation technology.  I will start with the crickets.  Initially I had assumed that the nighttime critters all went silent because they knew that a predator was in close proximity.  This effect is also part of the narrative of many other close encounters and was the element which caused another unrelated “Experiencer” Thom Reed and me to form an arms-length friendship.  It was only after I learned of noise-cancellation headphones decades after my incident that I came to the conclusion that maybe the crickets had not stopped chirping after all.  Also, for that matter maybe the ship was not silent; maybe it made all kinds of noise, but I was in some sort of noise-cancellation zone so everything around me was silent.

This conclusion was bolstered by what I read in Lue’s book.  If a UFO were contained within a bubble that had the capability of disrupting gravitational waves and light waves, why not also sound waves?  If all waves within the bubble were controlled that would not only explain how these ships are able to maneuver in ways that could crush a human body if done conventionally, but also why there is a sphere of silence around these things.  I concluded that I must have been inside the bubble – a frightening thought.

This could explain why the hair on my neck and my arm began to stand up while I was having this urge to look towards the ship.  It was the process of being enveloped by the bubble.  As I pierced its circumference there was a physical reaction to passing through the veil which also included the urge to look in its direction.  It was not that I had a premonition in the paranormal sense but rather that I had a conventional reaction to a force of physics, one which we on Earth cannot produce but which nonetheless exists and can be created by more advanced societies.

Why do UFO Witnesses see Different Things?

This could be due to a combination of factors including the Doppler Effect and Relativity.  I began to rethink was Mike’s account of events.  Initially, beginning with the time we spoke on the field phone that night in August 1992, I assumed Mike had seen exactly what I had seen.  When I began speaking with Lue in the summer of 2018 the producers of Unidentified urged me to reach out to Mike so he could corroborate my story.  By this time, I had long since cast Mike as the villain in my story.  He was the guy who was there and saw what I saw but then recanted, leaving me to sway in the wind, causing me to shut my mouth for years.  I stopped talking to him on that mission and soon afterwards his enlistment was up and he left the unit.

Still, I had tried many times to track him down, if for no other reason than to ask him, “Why’d you screw me like that?”  But Mike was elusive; he had no Internet footprint.  Eventually I was able to track him down and we reconnected over a long phone call.  We agreed to meet up at a coffee shop where I showed him some crude sketches I had made of the ship and asked him for more details of what he had seen.  I was shocked to learn that we had seemingly been on two different planets that evening in 1992, so to speak.

What Mike saw that night was nothing more than an extremely bright light.  It was so bright that he thought it was a combat flare which is shot into the night sky and slowly falls back to earth under a tiny parachute, so you can see the enemy.  He described the unique color of the light which was the same as my recollection of the lights at the nose of the ship.  It reminded us of the old streetlamps before they were changed to the white light you see today, which had an amber hue. 

Mike was concerned because we were guarding explosives.  He thought how stupid it was for someone to shoot a flare up in that area.  But this flare never fell.  It just hung there apparently not moving.  He first noticed the light not long after he had been dropped off at 11pm and continued watching it until well after we had spoken at 11:30.  This was mind-blowing because when we had spoken all those years earlier I had assumed that not only had he seen the same thing as me but that the event had begun sometime between 11:20 and 11:22 and concluded three minutes prior to our call.  I asked, “You mean, you were still watching it while we were on the phone?”  He said he was.  How could that be?  I had stopped watching in part because it was getting hard to see it anymore.  When I first saw the ship it was between me and Mike but after it passed I was between it and Mike.  I should have been able to see it longer after it passed.  I asked Mike when he stopped watching the object.  He said he kept watching it until it zipped off into space in a streak of light, like when a spacecraft goes into hyperspace in the movies.  I had missed that part too.

My entire narrative was upended.  This was in addition to the fact that Mike was a hell of a nice guy, the same guy I befriended all those years earlier, not the villain he had become in every previous iteration I attempted to write of this story; he even apologized for recanting the incident, acknowledging that he left me hanging on my own.  How could I hate him anymore after that?

Upon hearing all that I had to rethink some of my previous conclusions about the events of August 1992.  It was great that Mike had agreed to back me up, but his recollection did not fully jibe with mine.  Did I really want him telling a different story than my own on national television?  Would that then weaken my credibility?  I had spent every day of my adult life endeavoring to be truthful in part so that no one would ever question my UFO story if given the opportunity to tell it.  It was imperative that if I were to finally go Public that I come across credibly or else be deemed both a liar and a crackpot.  How could I reconcile Mike’s account with my own and still achieve all those goals?

Much of Mike’s recollection synched up with my own.  We both saw something not of this world and that something included a light brighter than anything either of us have seen before or since, with a distinct color.  My conclusion at that time in 2018 was that since Mike had been behind the ship and it was traveling away from him maybe he saw a piece of the lights that I saw which were three long horizontal rectangles of equal size wrapped around the nose in a 120 arc.  He must have seen a little piece of that from the angle where his site was located.  This was a reasonable deduction and though I have new thoughts on the aspect, this initial supposition was not far off from what I think now.  I decided to give his contact info to the Unidentified producers so they could include him in the piece they were creating.  It was better for us to both be truthful and let the chips fall where they may than to try to meld the two accounts only to be called out later on.

Still, I had some difficulty with my own interpretation of events.  I had even more confusion with the disparity in the length of the incident.  How could Mike have been watching before and after I had?  Maybe he had not taken such careful note of the time like I had.

How do UFOs alter Time?

This could be due to residue from the Doppler Effect on light and gravity.  If I was indeed inside the bubble which allowed this ship to disrupt light, sound, and gravitational waves, that could explain why I saw the ship clearly with vibrant detail and Mike saw only a bright light.  Maybe what he saw was not a piece of one of the lights but rather the entire sphere which encapsulated the ship.  That is a much better explanation.  It still does not explain why he saw this light before I saw the ship and after I stopped watching it.  By that point the sounds around me had already returned. That leads me to believe I had exited the bubble.  Logically I should have then also seen a bright light, like Mike did.

Examining the conundrum this morning I was reminded of the Nimitz Incident in which Navy pilot Dave Fravor is tracking a UAP which zips off and then appears at his exact planned rendezvous point.  How did it know where he was going?  If it is true that these bubbles around UAP are able to essentially warp space and time, then maybe it was able to somehow follow Fravor to that point and then travel back to the starting point so quickly that from Fravor’s perspective the ship arrived back in front of him before he even left the starting point.  If I accept that as a possibility then it is logical to conclude that not only are sound, light, and gravity waves disrupted within the bubble, but time is also apparently altered.  The 5-7 minutes of my incident really did last 5-7 minutes from my perspective but embracing my inner Einstein, it was a different amount of time outside the bubble.  This does not all synch up with the order of events because Mike and I spoke in the middle of his sighting.  But I am better able to accept that maybe it is due to Relativity (of which I am not well acquainted) than to accept that Mike was watching something before and after I could see it, with no plausible explanation other than one of us cannot read their own wristwatch. 

Maybe it all has something to do with residual effects of the Doppler Effect on light and gravity.  If you think about the sound of a vehicle approaching at high speed and then departing at high speed it sounds different coming and going because the sound waves elongate as they travel away from you.  If one person was in front of the vehicle and one was behind it the person in front of the vehicle will hear something different than the person behind it.  The person behind the vehicle would continue to experience the sound for a longer period of time than the person who was in front of it prior to its approach, even though it is making the same amount of sound for both people.  If a third person was traveling alongside the vehicle, they would experience the sound of the vehicle as if it were standing still, minus any wind noise and distortion caused by the motion relative to the tires on the road and the vehicle’s surroundings.

Likewise, the Doppler Effect may also explain why Mike and I saw different things at the same time and why he experienced it for a longer time.  I was the person in front of the vehicle, but the Doppler Effect caused me to not notice the light waves preceding the ship until it was right in front of me at which point I soon became the person traveling alongside the vehicle.  Since I was in the bubble, I experienced the ship’s passing as if we were both traveling at the same speed.  This is why I was able to see it plain as day.  It does not explain why I was able to still see the ship after it had passed, and Mike could still only see a bright light.  But I believe I am getting closer.  Maybe someone with a stronger understanding of physics can finish my thoughts for me, as it were.

I also have to wonder if somehow the size of the ship could have been masked by the bubble around it.  To me, right next to it, it was enormous.  Mike saw something that he confused with a battlefield flare.  That does not add up.  Imminent discusses how the bubble could distort the field of vision around it so that the light appears smaller than the object it obfuscates.  I will call it henceforth, the Clown Car Effect.

UFO Bubble

My final conclusion takes me full circle back to the lights.  What I mean by that is, the first blog article I wrote about my sighting focused solely on what I called Alien Headlights.  What were they?  Were they headlights?  Were they windows?  Or were they something else that we humans could not imagine because we lacked the technology and the ability to comprehend it?  In that Headlights article I seemed to vacillate between the options.  Later on as I learned more and put more thought into the subject I leaned further towards the third option even though I could not explain why.  I could explain why the other two more mundane possibilities were not plausible though, so by process of elimination it had to be something I could not imagine nor explain.

I did not think the lights were headlights because, why would anyone who could get from there to here (where there is) need headlights?  They would have all sorts of equipment on board which allowed them to see everything without lighting up the area and giving themselves away to potential adversaries.  This is what had led me to conclude that they (if there was a they on board) had to have known I was there, despite my reticence to reveal myself.  Surely, they would not have needed headlights.

It was just as unlikely that any crew aboard the ship would need windows at the nose of the ship.  They would surely have the ability to see everything outside with what we would think of as a camera or other equipment rendering windows redundant and a liability.  Plus, given how bright the lights were it was implausible that anyone inside would be able to see out in the darkness.  To test this, try turning on every light in your kitchen and looking out the back window at night.  You cannot see anything outside.  The lights could not have been windows – unless the ship was occupied by a family of aliens and the kids asked the dad to turn on the dome light for a minute and the dad was like, “Hurry up,” and the mom was like, “Your father can’t see the road very well.  It’s his night vision.  It’s deteriorating as he gets older.”  Then the dad is like, “That’s enough – I'm turning this light off in 5… 4… 3…”  And the kids were like, “No!  Wait!” 

This leaves the likelihood that the lights must have been some other technology that we do not have on Earth.  But what could it be?  I could not have imagined until I made all the conclusions above along with an inference in that same Chapter 16 of Imminent regarding this hypothetical bubble around the ship.  Perhaps the bubble emanated from the lights I saw on the front of the ship. 

The bubble would need a power source which would need to be turned on and off from somewhere.  It could not materialize out of nowhere so it would make sense that the bubble would have to emanate from some place.  Outside the bubble, all you see is a bubble.  Inside, you can see its progenitor, the bright lights at the nose of the ship.  This would help explain why to me, the lights were intensely bright and yet they did not shine or diffuse.  The three lights were neither windows nor headlights but were rather a technology we could not understand or imagine until now.  (You’re welcome *word*)  They project the bubble from within.  

This would also add credence to the notion that I only experienced being in the bubble when the ship was right in front of me but the static sound which marked my exit from the bubble was much further behind the ship.  The bubble envelopes the same quantity of sound, light, and gravity in all directions but the waves are closer together in front of the ship than behind it so the bubble has to extend further back.  This is accomplished somehow by beaming the field from the front of the ship in the direction it travels, letting the bubble drape behind it like a bedsheet on a clothesline, swaying in the wind.

Inside the bubble the entire shape is somewhat egg-shaped like my illustration of the ship I saw, above.  Outside the ship it appears like a perfect sphere of light because the ship projects just the right amount of bubble to counter the Doppler Effect relative to its mass and velocity.


I put all this together in a matter of seconds.  Now, several hours and thousands of written words later it is amazing to see the disparity in the speed of my thoughts and my fingers (even though I can type over 100 WPM).  I did take a couple breaks to eat a salad and some cheesecake – one cancels out the other.  But it makes me think more about Relativity.  Maybe the reason time slows as you approach a black hole is because black holes represent a departure from the physical world into the nonphysical.  Maybe the tip of a black hole, infinite as it were, is the juncture with consciousness which supports the ability of people who claim to be able to travel with their minds, to predict the future, or to speak telepathically.

I will not say that I promote those views, only that if they are possible then it may have something to do with the fabric of space-time which Einstein proposed is disrupted by black holes.  I will leave that thought dangling out there for all to ponder.  Perhaps I will wake up at 3:00am one day and write all about it.



(Note, this author recently had difficulty landing a new job, presumably due to all those interviews about my sighting.  Approaching my sixth month of unemployment I "scrubbed" the Internet of all my UFO activity including my name on this blog.  I was hired for the next job I interviewed for.  I will however, remain anonymous for the time being.)

Enjoying this blog?

If you have seen an alien spaceship or any type of unidentified flying object (UFO) contact me using the Contact form at the bottom of this page.  You may remain anonymous if you want.  I will not ridicule you or try to tell you why you are wrong.  I get it, I saw one too.

Thank you for reading and keep an eye on the sky.
